Monday, January 28, 2019

Niche discovery - this modern “Columbus egg” of affiliate marketing

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Discovering the potentially profitable niche won’t get you much if you are not working that niche to take the most of it.
When talking about niche discovery seems that everyone knows how to do it better and faster that you do.
Don’t over-analyze your niche idea. Just start working on it. Start perfecting your skills. 
Take the example of street food carts. Some of them will be in business for a long period of time while other will go broke in couple of days. What does that mean? Do people stopped eating? The need for fast food has disappeared? Could be the cart owner who did something wrong?
What I am trying to say with the above example is that even the simplest ideas don’t work if the execution is done wrong.
What links a street food cart with an affiliate niche is that even though the need exist, there are people willing to pay for the solution, that does not necessarily mean instant success. Only those who figure out the most efficient ways to profit from the idea will stay in business.
If you read the expression "Columbus egg" for the first time on this page I can confirm you that it is linked that well known Italian explorer and navigator - Christopher Columbus- (c. 1451–1506) who completed the voyages across Atlantic Ocean and discovered the “New World”
According to the legends, during a banquet where Columbus presented his  discovery of the new lands, the noblemen were not so impressed by its accomplishment saying that it was something very easy that everyone could have done. Columbus took a boiled egg and made the bet that he can make it stand upright. Nobody knew how. Columbus broke the egg at one end and placed it gently on the table.
Simply stated “Columbus egg” refers to ideas that might seem simple to everyone after they are  put to practice by a single person.
The beginner marketer should ignore critics who talk about how simple it is to accomplish something after they see the finished work of a person who was willing to put the time to accomplish what was needed.
Every second on earth there must be billion of brilliant ideas who die because they are not put into action.
Check YouTube for  homemade inventions and you will surprise yourself thinking that what you see out there even you could have done it, but you didn’t, because you thought it was too simple and nobody could be interested.
Te execution gives the competitive advantage.
Don't just create lists of keywords, start working on the niche that you already uncovered.

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1 comment:

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