...The past does not want to be changed. The past is obdurate. ...11/22/63 Stephen KingThat motto says in some simple words why we must not concentrate on past failures, because we can't change that. We need to put all our effort on the current day to move the future.
Every single day you have the option to dwell in the past, or to use the day as a pivot point towards a better future for yourself.
The pivot point in life can be identified by the moment when one needs to choose a different approach of whatever he is doing in order to reach a better outcome than the one is getting right now.
Content marketing proves to be a good pivot point for lots of people who started it as a side source of income in their life.
Don’t jump right at writing articles about the topic you feel that will have the right audience you hope for. This way of acting is prone to horrible failure after the first month. Some people never look back at Internet marketing because of this.
First step, that is often overlooked, by many enthusiast that fail horribly after the first months, is to prepare their mind for success.
There will be no success for you, without having the right mindset. Just think about the top athletes. Even if you follow the routine of their exercises you won’t beat them easily until you haven’t prepared your mind for this.
Challenge yourself every single day!
Ask yourself if you have done everything that you could have done at the end of every single day toward your goal.If your answer is YES and you are still far away from your set goal, then you are not doing everything you could have done.
Focus only on what you can control.
You can control how much time you put into working on your blog, how much money are you willing to lose (there will be loss of money during the learning curve). There is no shortcut to success. You need to study and test every idea until you reach THE ONE that is working.
If the answer is NO then ask yourself why, what is keeping you, what are your limiting beliefs.
Find and change your limiting beliefs!
- What are those limiting beliefs?
- How to identify them?
- How to change them?
Some of the authors of popular self help books tell us to start identify limiting beliefs in the way of acting of people around us. After finishing writing about those persons we need to change the names with ours and this way the map reveals itself.
John does not write articles because he thinks ....
After changing the name John with the pronoun I it is simpler to have a clear picture of what limiting beliefs are in our personal behavior.
Have you caught yourself thinking that you are too… (too old, too young, too tired, too energetic, too whatever)? These are some example of limiting beliefs.
To find out how you came to accept them and live the life according to them you need to have the courage to challenge every single one of them.
Sometimes all the causes that we think there are different can be combined. It is not uncommon to hear people quit pursuing their dreams by giving the following kind of destructive explanation:
I can't do anything because of the lack of time, poor health and energy, fear of failure and no knowledge and experience about the new activity.
You have to psychoanalyze yourself a little. You don’t have to have a PhD in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy or Analytical Psychology, but you have to ask yourself the right question and be prepared to uncover some disturbing truths about yourself.
Use the works of philosophers on self determination.
Giddu Krishnamurti is one of the best philosophers that will help you see your path to the right goal after finding how you became to have some thoughts about life.
For centuries we have been spoon-fed by our teachers, by our authorities, by our books, our saints. We say, `Tell me all about it - what lies beyond the hills and the mountains and the earth?' and we are satisfied with their descriptions, which means that we live on words and our life is shallow and empty. We are second-hand people. We have lived on what we have been told, either guided by our inclinations, our tendencies, or compelled to accept by circumstances and environment. We are the result of all kinds of influences and there is nothing new in us, nothing that we have discovered for ourselves; nothing original, pristine, clear.
“To be free of all authority, of your own and that of another, is to die to everything of yesterday, so that your mind is always fresh, always young, innocent, full of vigor and passion. It is only in that state that one learns and observes. And for this, a great deal of awareness is required, actual awareness of what is going on inside yourself, without correcting it or telling it what it should or should not be, because the moment you correct it you have established another authority, a censor.” ― Jiddu Krishnamurti, Freedom from the Known Philosopher on self and self determinism
What is one thing holding you back from being successful?
Everyone who has to willing to succeed can surpass the NO EXPERIENCE excuse.To gain some confidence that you could be successful online just start your blog. Share it with your friends, continue doing this until you have gained the momentum of writing something every single day.
Don't over-analyse which platform it is the best, what software to use, what technical terms you need to understand.
There is no perfect solution for every affiliate marketer.
Don't think that being online is something very complicated. You just need to gain experience by writing and publishing.
After a while you will surprise yourself with how much you have accomplished after ignoring all limiting beliefs and start working on your affiliate business. THE NEW YOU is juggling effortlessly with content creation, planning the distribution of it, answering emails, etc.
Statistics show a brutal image of a lot of people who are responding rationally to this tough competition by quitting in the first 3 months. You can prevent this by carefully preparing your article before publishing it. You could even write the entire site content offline and start publishing it in small batches.
The NO TIME excuse
This is the most invoked mantra of the modern world. The time is not ours. We live and use it the way we think it is the best. If you want to read more about the concept of time in philosophy just do a simple google search and you will have plenty of articles that debate this concept.There is no surprise that each 24 day has the same amount of hours both for the most wealthy man on the planet and for the poorest man on the planet. The difference is what each one of them does with those hours.
When working for your pay check you seem to be good at what you have to do, the time is there to be used efficiently, everything starts to crumble when you are working for yourself at your own pace.
The tip would be to identify those time thieves.
If you are spending too much time on youtube just watching related video you need to set time limits daily.
It takes a while to create a new behavior. Don't STOP until you have reached your goal.
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